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From of old in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2022-12-23Updated:2022-12-23
Similar words: from the bottom of one's heartfrom head to footfrom hand to mouthfrom mouth to mouthof oldterm of officetwo-foldtwofold
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1. Hong Kong is Chinese territory from of old.
2. China is a beautiful country from of old.
3. The custom has been known from of old.
4. From of old, hong Kong is Chinese territory impartible cut one share.
5. But you , O God, are my king from of old ; you bring salvation upon the earth.
6. I have remembered Your ordinances from of old, O Lord, And comfort myself.
7. From of old, the impression in people memory is mysterious and Qinghai - Tibet Platean is horrible.
8. So , it has been a fine ornament to decorate houses and afforest gardens from of
9. Remember , O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.
10. As a kind of precious metal, gold symbolizes wealth and power from of old.
More similar words: from the bottom of one's heartfrom head to footfrom hand to mouthfrom mouth to mouthof oldterm of officetwo-foldtwofoldas of oldwilliam of orangebloom of youthin the bloom ofkingdom of godbe at the bottom offreedom of the seasfreedom of speechfreedom of choicekingdom of thailandfreedom of the pressfreedom of thoughtfreedom of assemblyFreedom of Informationget to the bottom ofkingdom of saudi arabiafreedom of associationfreedom of religionbromofromgrifola frondosachromo
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